Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza temple

Over Christmas break in 2016, I was fortunate enough to visit one of the new seven wonders of the world. Although you are unable to walk up the stairs the structure itself is absolutely breathtaking. During the tour, we were told that during ceremonies the priests would stand at the top whilst all the members of the civilization would stand at the base. What’s interesting is that the Chichen Itza temple was built in a way where clapping at the base had unique acoustic sounds. It is hard to explain but when an individual clap at the base the feeling would be felt traveling up the stairs.

Grand Ball Court

Not too far from the temple itself, is a ball court that the Mayans would play at. What’s interesting is there are several rings on both sides of the court. It most similarly depicts the sport in the fictional setting of Harry Potter Quidditch. The game itself requires teams to toss a ball through the hoops.

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