Baltimore Ravens Stadium

Ironically, I was a Steelers fan growing up but my grandparents were Ravens fans. They had season tickets and would take us to all the home games. I was very young when they first took us and I was amazed and in awe by how big the stadium was. The huge concrete pillars seemed to be never ending and inside the stadium felt like a maze. I had no idea how anyone knew where to go. Once in our seats, I was blown away by how many people could fit into one place. As I grew older, those things I was once blown away by became normal, but the feelings I got stayed the same. Every time I see the stadium, I think of the smell of peanuts, beer, concession food, and the noise of the crowd cheering and booing. But the biggest feeling I get is how fun I had with my grandparents and the memories I had with them. One of my favorite memories was in 2008, it was a preseason night game against the Vikings and the Summer Olympics were going on. Michael Phelps was shooting for his 8th gold medal to make history and after the football game, over 10,000 fans stayed in the stadium to watch him swim on the big screens. Phelps is from Baltimore MD so there is a special connection there. I still remember the screams of joy when Phelps won the race and made history with his 8th gold medal. They even showed him the video of everyone in the stadium cheering for him after the race was over. Unfortunately, my grandparents sold their season tickets years ago, but every time I see the stadium I still get those same feelings.
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