Football season started again! (OU vs. UTEP)

I chose to include the OU football stadium in my blog because it has been a significant part of my Fall season since 2009. I moved to Oklahoma in 2009 from Houston, Texas and at the time I remember not knowing anyone from around here. I was also really into skateboarding as a kid, and when you move just outside of a small town into the countryside it becomes difficult to stay enthused when you do not have friends to skate with. One day however, my grandfather told me he had got us season tickets to the home games at OU. Until that point I had never played football, watched football, or even had a favorite team. So going to my first home game was truthfully my first football experience, and when we went it was something I will never forget because ultimately it helped change my life in Oklahoma. I quickly started loving to watch the Sooners and even decided to play football for my school. It was through football I made a lot of friends that I still have today. It also has kept me and my grandpa close because we both love talking about it. We have seen a lot of great games and a few bad ones, but those seem to be more rare. I also believe that attending these games helped shape my decision to come to OU because walking around campus before games really helped me familiarize myself with the campus and I knew I wanted to go there. Unfortunately the Corona virus has kind of put a damper on things this year because we could not get our season tickets, but I certainly look forward to going next season if I have the opportunity!

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