The Kizer Household


  Above is a picture of my parent’s house. My dad is both the architect and the builder, as he designed this house and saw it through to its conception. We started construction on the house when I was only four years old, so I have many memories of working long nights and making many trips to Lowes in order to get supplies. When constructing this house, my dad considered geographic location into his design. The house is made of styrofoam and concrete with steel rebar reinforcements meaning that it can withstand high category tornadoes. My dad loves round arches so as you look at the photos, you can see the multitude of arches in each picture. Down below is a picture of the inside of the house. When I told my dad that I was going to write about our house he insisted I also post a picture of the inside so you can see the high vaulted ceilings with the big archways. I love this house! I have so many fond memories of aiding in its construction to growing up in it after it was finished. I also love how unique it is! I always enjoy talking about the house and giving first-time guests tours whenever they walk in.

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