Indiahoma High School Library

I went to a very small high school and, for part of that time, I had an amazing librarian who was also an archery coach, yearbook instructor, and art teacher. She was amazing and my senior year I spent almost all of my day in this building with her. This building looks like it belongs in a small town, but it doesn’t come to mind when people think of libraries. It had almost no windows and it was not large at all. When I first saw it, I didn’t realize it was a library and I was not impressed by the siding chosen. The exterior is not very pretty but I came to love it for all the fun I had in there. I read to children in there, painted my best artwork, designed a yearbook, spent time with my friends, and I got to meet one of the most amazing people I have ever known. I still talk to her, my sister and I shower her with praise when we approach the topic of high school. I am glad I got to spend so many hours every day inside of this ugly but fun building.

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