Church of God The Merciful Father (Rome)

The Jubilee Church, or the Church of the Merciful Father, is an ultra-modernist Catholic Church located on the outskirts of Rome. Designed by Richard Meier, the church was designed to look like a ship and is itself divided into four distinct parts: the precinct, the terrace, the court, and the parking area. The church was originally requested to celebrate Jubilee 2000; the three sails that fly over the nave seen in the photo above actually represent the Holy Trinity.

Although the church is a modern reimagining of the more traditional buildings found in Rome, Richard Meier closely followed the classical religious construction framework and utilized a gothic concept for the height of the church with its facade and belfry on one side of the building. The five bells in the church are dedicated to Europe, America, Africa, Oceania, and Asia. Finally, the church itself is the highlight of Rome’s attempt to introduce a modern suburb area to the outskirts of the city.

I found this building to be a refreshing take on classical buildings located in Rome. I was definitely not expecting such a modern take, and I find the building to be very visually appealing.

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