San Francisco Catholic Church

Located on the corner of Fettery and Olympic Blvd in East Los Angles; the San Francisco Catholic Church isn’t an awe inspiring building, but it does have a place in my heart. I was baptized and did my first communion at this local church. I would arrive early to enjoy a steaming hot tamale filled with silky chile rojo and large chunks of puerco. The aroma of canela and piloncillo would fill the air when they served champurrado.

As a child I spent my weekend learning about and understanding my faith. I would often complain about wanting to stay home and watch Saturday morning cartoons, but in hind sight the values I learned help me to be the humble person I am. To this day I still remember the prayers and hymns I learned in Spanish. Every time I attend mass in english, my mind transports itself to that small church that I grew up in.

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