OKC Temple

Most people can recognize the Salt Lake Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but I don’t think quite as many would be able to recognize the Oklahoma City Oklahoma Temple. Most people probably don’t even know it’s here. I love this building because of the purpose it serves but also because of the tender love and attention to detail in the design. In my church, temples are a very important part of our beliefs and they bring me a lot of peace in my life. There are nearly 200 functioning temples all over the world with many more under construction or soon to be. Each temple design uses cultural and environmental influences from the area it is built. The OKC Temple has murals of the rolling Wichita Mountains and our state wildflower, the Indian blanket flower, and used as details in gold railings and stained glass. I would love the temple even without the ornamentation but I have a special appreciation for the simple details that were included.

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