French Barn

This quaint building sits in the countryside in the Haute-Marne region of northeastern France. It previously served as a barn and then was converted to store coal and other supplies necessary to keep the farm running. I visited here on a field trip while I was studying at my high school’s sister school in Chaumont, France. The current owners of property have cleaned and fixed it up and rent it out for weddings and events now but also use it to showcase different cultural practices of the region. When I visited, I wasn’t fluent in French yet and I missed a lot of what they said but this region is known for some flowers that grow there and they showed us how to make homemade boutonnieres. They had fake flowers for us to use so we could take them home to the states with us. This is such a random building and an equally random event and memory but I will never forget this charming, picturesque little barn that could tell so many stories.

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