The blender (PHSC)

Everyone I’ve ever talked to about this building has said how ugly it is (even though the chem building is much worse on every front), however it has a lot of redeeming features alongside the bad. The bad is the fact that it doesn’t match the rest of campus, if they had taken the time to put a layer of brick it would blend in a lot better. Another, and much larger, negative is that all the classrooms on the first four floors lack any windows and have plain white walls, which aren’t enjoyable to be in for a semester or even a single class. The positives of the building are that it is well designed for its intended purpose and the classrooms above the fourth floor are great. It was originally designed to be riot proof and with only three doors over the first two floors, no windows on lower floors, and nothing to burn, it is very riot proof and probably one of the safest buildings on campus. The classrooms below the fourth floor don’t have windows and are cinderblocks painted white with basic linoleum floors, but after the fifth it becomes sheetrock and carpeted. The interior design after the fifth floor is fine, but the best part is the view of campus. I had a course on the 11th floor and could see for miles and this view was even better when it snowed. The Physical Sciences Center, aka the Blender, is an often hated building on OU’s campus, but the building definitely has some redeeming qualities.

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