OU Clocktower

The Cursed Clock Tower at OU 

OU Clock Tower by Jeremy Green

The day I toured The University of Oklahoma as a senior in high school, I was informed that the clock tower is cursed. This myth is well known at OU and has caused students to avoid going under the clock despite any situation. The clock tower at OU has influenced me in a positive way because I never would go under the tower. It is next to Bizzell Memorial Library on campus at The University of Oklahoma. A rumor surfaced many years ago that if you walk under the tower as an undergraduate, you will not graduate in four years. That is what the tower is known for on campus. When I was a freshman, I was told about the clock tower and instantly felt a sense of caution everytime I made my way to the Bizzell Memorial Library. When I am on my way to my early classes, I walk around the tower just like all of the other students.

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