Gaylord Family – Oklahoma Memorial Stadium

OU’s stadium has been involved in some of my earliest and happiest memories. I was born and spent 9 years in Texas before moving to Florida and I didn’t move to Oklahoma until I came out here to start classes. My dad, however, was born and grew up in Norman and loved OU football. I remember him having the windows open and screaming when something bad happened, jumping up and screaming when something great happened, and always letting the outcome of the game affect his day. I didn’t understand football until I moved out here and decided to take the time to figure it out, so I don’t remember any specifics of any games I watched with him when I was younger. What I do remember was loving how excited my dad got, how open the house felt when the windows were open and the sun was shining, and how much I enjoyed throwing the football that we owned in our yard with my dad and my brother.

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