Brother Klaus Field Chapel – Peter Zumthor

Brother Klaus Field Chapel was designed by Peter Zumthor in Germany in 2007. The Chapel sits alone in a large, flat field, and seems to reach high in the sky compared to it’s surroundings. The building was constructed from 112 tree trunks to create a large wooden prism. The roof is made from molten lead, and looks great in contrast with the wood walls. Looking up towards the cieling from the inside gives you a great vision of how high up the chapel reaches, along with seeing the great design of the cieling. The cieling is partially open, so it is penetrated by both light and rain, which combines with the wooden walls to create a very natural feeling. The entrance for the building is a triangle, which adds more unique flare to this chapel. Zumthor really outdid himself by creating a building that remained in touch with nature will still creating an innovative design.

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