southern hills

Southern Hills Country Club | Wanap Golf
This building is representative of more of the entire club that brings back so many memories to me. When I say I grew up here I mean that quite literally. During the summer I would spend any where between 8 to 10 hours a day here playing tennis, golf, swimming and fishing. every time I drive up the front entrance with massive trees on either side it reminds me of my childhood. I remember the countless hours I have spent here training for tennis as well as all of the friends I have made along the way. It reminds me of the time my childhood best friend and I commandeered a golf cart only to get it stuck in mud and clay in the middle of February and how cold we were having to dig it out with our hands. I remember fishing on the ponds when I wanted to get away from my family. From proms and dates that I have had here it doesn’t only remind me of events from the past but people from the past.
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