Dan little residence hall

The Dan Little Residence Hall is where the students of OSSM live during their two year high school experience there. The school is dedicated to helping many students in Oklahoma learn and grow, and that comes through in the design for the residence hall. There is a focus on common areas where teachers and students can congregate, study, and learn. When you walk up to the building a sense of security comes through in the design, with large concrete walls and bars on the windows it is reminiscent of a prison. This sense of security was designed to keep parents at ease despite being most of them being separated from their children for the first time. It wasn’t simply academic through, the building represented the best thing about OSSM, the people I experienced it with. Every night we would be sealed in from 8 pm to around 6 the next morning, and we would spend these hours, and many more goofing around and building friendships. The first time I walked in the building was foreboding, looking like a prison, but by the end of the two years it represented some of the best times of my life up to that point.

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