University of Auckland Business School

McKenzie Morgan

FJMT and Archimedia partnered together to create the Owen G. Glenn Business School. The purpose of this building was to provide a symbol of knowledge that projects innovation and embraces the community. This modern development is wrapped in organic layers of glass and stainless steel. The architectural pieces of glass and steel open the building through a series of flowing ribbons. This design creates a warm and inviting gesture for the building.

What interested me the most about this building was its efforts towards sustainability. This building is designed with energy fins that provide shafts for natural light and ventilation. This eco-friendly control is focused to provide the appropriate environmental conditions throughout the building. Thus, excellence and innovation are portrayed through the building’s use of energy.

I love how contemporary this building looks while it still provides a warm and inviting feeling. FJMT was able to provide a space that is not only intellectual but welcoming.

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