Alvar Aalto – Villa Mairea, Finland

Alvar Aalto – Villa Mairea, Finland

The Villa Mairea was a project that Aalto worked on for Harry and Maire Gullichsen. It was meant to be a guest house and they gave Aalto complete freedom to experiment with any materials and ideas that he wanted. Not only did he deliver on making the house unique but he created a timeless piece of architecture that would stand the test of time. The interior has material changes that highlight the structure itself. He would meet one type of stone to another and then that stone would then meet glass. This had not really been done before and definitely not to this extent. Making a significant impact in the transition from traditional to modern architecture.

Not only was this one of, if not, the most famous of Aalto’s works but it really transformed architects and designers at the time. He changed their whole outlook on modern architecture and gave a different perspective when it came to materials and their way of changing a space. Something that ultimately changed the way all architects and designers use materials.

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