The Kimbell Art Museum- Louis Kahn

One reason that the Kimbell Art Museum has had a significant impact on me is because of the architecture. In high school, I watched the documentary My Architect, directed by Louis Kahn’s son. The documentary detailed the drama surrounding Kahn’s life, including interviews with the two separate families that Kahn kept a secret until his sudden death, where he was found dead in a Penn Station bathroom with no identification on him. The drama surrounding Kahn’s life fascinated me, and inspired me to look into Kahn’s architecture. I was even able to get a tour of the Kimbell art museum by a woman who allegedly knew Kahn, and had worked at the Kimbell since its inception. It was fascinating how passionate he was about every detail. The woman who gave me the tour began crying talking about how upset Kahn would have been over the installation of railings on the stairs in the building. Learning about the architecture of the Kimbell gave me a new appreciation for architecture. Previously, I had ignored most of the architectural elements of the Kimbell.

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