University of Oklahoma – the cafe

The cafe is another building at OU that has influenced me throughout college. In a positive aspect, the building represented a place where you can get unlimited food from a variety of options. First going into the building, I thought it did not hold that much inside but soon found out its interesting structure and how it held many restaurants. I thought the circular structure of the building was interesting and I view it as a common place for students to come together as a whole; especially when it is in the center of the dorms and an easy walk to get to. The building also reminds me of the endless trips to chick-fil-a and freshens between or after classes, and the memories I made there during camp crimson. The cafe also impacted me in a negative aspect as the endless options of food soon felt overwhelming. The building speaks out the nightmare of freshman 15 as the unlimited food was very dangerous and attracted hungry students after classes. Although it was nice to have chick-fil-a everyday there, I soon began to get sick of eating there all the time and felt the greasy atmosphere when walking in. Now looking back at the café and all the positive and negative experiences it holds, it is an important place that represents good times during freshman year.

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