Bizzell Library

OU Bizzell Memorial Library ranked in lists of most gorgeous ...

Through college Bizzell Library has become a home away from home to me. I have spent more time in this building than I have in any other on campus. I think the Biz is so beautiful from both the interior and exterior. In this building I have crammed for tests, pulled all-nighters during finals week, got coffee at The Bookmark, spent passing periods here, and talked and laughed way too much in study rooms. I have met people who have never been to the library and that always comes as a shock! It is my favorite place on campus. When ever I go to do homework or study I always choose the third floor, all the way to the right at one of the long tables near an outlet. Even though the Biz is generally used for studying, I have spent so many of those study hours with friends and helping each other and making memories.

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