Buckminster Fuller-Dymaxion house

The dymaxion house is a combination of a dynamic, maximum, and tension styled house, given the name. Fuller created many different versions of this house including a few prototype houses and many houses indoor and outdoor. Although it carries the title of a house, no dymaxion house built by Fuller has ever been lived in. All versions of this house, however, was built with manufactured kits, placed together at the site, and intended for any environment with efficient resource use. Most of these styled houses used the dome styled roof as well.

These buildings are very interesting to me because I like how simple yet reliable they are. In addition to the fact of the house being extremely cost efficient while also able to used at full potential in any environment makes this house a staple of the design. I think it would even be cool if these were made as small outhouse like buildings that people can rent for trips.

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