BRUCE GOFF – Ford House

This house belonged to Ruth and Sam Ford and located in Aurora, IL. It was designed in 1947-1949. As you can see it is not in a traditional shape but in a unique round shape. It is referred to as the Round or Coal house. The home was designed with a 50 ft. center circle and two circular bedroom wings. The materials used was coal, steel, glass, cedar and hemp. He wanted a design that resembled an informal, gathering around, friendly environment. The original construction remains the same since construction. Goff inspiration came from his experience with the Quonset hut, a steel structure with a half-tube shape.

I’ve always been fascinated with unique things and always want to be different. I love to have things that no one else have and this house would be one of them. I love the creativity, the uniqueness and the details. In my opinion it looks like a museum.

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