Chase Tower – Dallas, Tx

When I moved to Dallas and went downtown for the first time the first building that stuck out to me was Chase Tower. You can see it for miles due to its height and it has an imposing presence on the Dallas skyline. What caught my interest was the hole in the upper part of the building. I had never seen a building with that feature before and it made me wonder what it was like being in the building by that feature. Ever since then I wanted to go inside the building. I got that chance my junior year when I went into the building for an interview. When I stepped into the building I was blown away by how elegant it was. Marble covered the entrance and made me feel like I was in a palace. At the end of the interview they took my up to the sky lobby which was right above the hole. From there I could see for miles and they even had floor windows to look down from. I will never forget how incredible the view was from there. Now whenever I drive past the building it makes me think of the great view from the sky lobby and how nice of a building it is on the inside.

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