The impact of the opryland hotel

Hotels, Marriott. (n.d.). Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center. Retrieved July 22, 2020, from
H. (n.d.). Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center in Nashville. Retrieved July 22, 2020, from
E. (n.d.). Top Hotels in Opryland, TN Expedia. Retrieved July 22, 2020, from

                The pictures above are of the Opryland hotel in Nashville Tennessee. This hotel was the first of its kind that I ever stayed at. This hotel really shows how you can create a completely indoor environment but make it feel like you are almost always outdoors. This hotel seamlessly blends hotel life with the beauty of nature. The hotel when I stayed there was split up into 4 different “biomes”. The hotel had areas all of which had different flora, watercolor, and even micro weather. You could walk only about 20 yards and feel a drastic change in humidity as you enter a different biome. I found the environment relaxing and gorgeous.

This made me feel as though we do not have to destroy nature for us to be comfortable. It is doable to blend nature and building in a way that benefits us as humans while also benefiting nature and the planet as a whole. While this isn’t the best way to design building to not impact nature as this one is mostly using foreign flora and is all indoors it gives people that exposure to what having different buildings in an outdoor space would be like. The hotel has many shops and restaurants inside which do not feel like they are outside, and they blend near seamlessly with the environment they are in. This is mostly due to the plant coverage that is blended into a lot of the indoor buildings. So, while the hotel may not be the best structure for the environment the way it is designed to make the guests feel like the hotel is blended with nature I feel could help influence people to start thinking about how we blend future buildings with nature.

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