777 Main Street – Fort Worth, Texas

777 Main Street – Fort Worth, Texas

This building is one I chose to showcase because it was the first “tall” building that I vividly remember going into. 777 Main Street is the third tallest building in Fort Worth and is 40 stories tall. Designed and constructed in 1983, it was originally built for Carter and Burgess, an Architectural Engineering firm that my dad worked for when I was little. I remember going into the building and the 12th floor was the environmental area, where my dad worked, and his office window looked over the skybridge, which I thought was the coolest thing ever.

This building is so interesting to me because there are so many aspects that go into the planning and design based upon the buildings around them. This building is memorable and important to me because it does stand out to me and has influenced me as a designer and the direction that I am going when it comes to my career.

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