Ledbetter house

I lived in Norman when I was younger and my Uncle Eli lived on Brooks Street. I remember seeing this house for the first time and it really caught my attention. It was the Ledbetter House.

I remember thinking that the hanging disc and overall appearance of the house was interesting as a kid. The house sparked a lot of thinking for me and stuck with me over the years for some reason. There was something about its uniqueness and creativity in design that made me want to know more about the designers intent.

I later learned that the Ledbetter House was designed by Bruce Goff who was mentored by Frank Lloyd Wright. This discovery happened right before this course and was such a cool way to reconnect with a building from my childhood. I think it’s interesting that the philosophy behind the design in the Ledbetter House is noticeable by the mind of a child even though it’s not fully understood.

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