Perot Museum of Nature and Science – Dallas, Texas

Perot Museum of Nature and Science – Dallas, Texas

The Perot Museum, located in Dallas, Texas, is a very interesting building because from the front view, which is down one of the major highways in the Park Village area of Dallas, the building seems like it is floating up above you because you can not directly see the entrance. There is also a floating escalator that is cut out of the building, that is completely made of glass and the viewer can see people walking up and down through the museum. The building is constructed of precast concrete panels that have textured fins that fade away as the building gets taller, creating an illusion of the building becoming a part of the sky above. An interesting concept of the building is something that you can not see from the outside, the roof is home to a rainwater collection system that fills a set of cisterns, which equals to about 50,000 gallons of water. The water is heated by solar panels and all of the landscaping is watered through a drip-irrigation system.

This building was one of the first buildings I visited after my first year of studying interior design, so I was able to apply the things I learned to this building and I could truly appreciate how the architect/designer made this building. It is so amazing because I have never personally seen a building like this. Another important factor to me is sustainability and this building check all of those boxes.

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