Mount Vernon

Mount Vernon was the plantation home of George Washington located just outside of Washington D.C. in Virginia. Construction began at the estate actually by Washington’s father in the early 1700’s who built a moderate home by comparison. George would later renovate and expand the property to his own preferences leaving behind to me a beautiful and picturesque estate. It is a large plantation but it is not gaudy or overwhelming it is just felt peaceful. When I toured the mansion I actually ran into a man that was overseeing what ended up being the effort to preserve the property. He told me he was a contractor that specialized in the historical preservation of buildings and went into the detail of all that includes working with historians, architects, and other specialist to properly restore the mansion back to its original glory. That encounter really stuck with me and now it is my current goal to eventually become a contractor that specializes in historical building renovation or preservation. It combines my two loves history and construction and I believe it is an honorable pursuit to try and save buildings for future generations to be able to observe. Also if you look up Mount Vernon their website has been tracking the preservation progress throughout the years and it is a very interesting.

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