
Paestum was an ancient Greek city founded in 450 B.C. Today, Paestum has the only Greek ruins left on Italy’s mainland and it is still in great condition. There are 3 Temples, all in the Doric order and dedicated to female goddesses. The largest one, Temple of Hera II, is one of the best-preserved Greek temples in the entire world. Despite all this, Paestum remains off the beaten path. We were one of very few people touring the site. This made touring the site a much better experience. We were able to walk around freely and get up close and feel the stones that made up this 2500-year-old ancient city. The buildings and roads were so well preserved, you could really imagine the town when you walk through the site. Seeing the amphitheater, arena, pubic baths, and public forum really put life back then into perspective.  In my opinion, the lack of tourists and being able to get inside the ruins, instead of viewing from the sidewalk, made this one of the best sites in Italy.

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