Boone Pickens Stadium

Boone Pickens Stadium: Stillwater, Oklahoma

I know this will be an unpopular post, but I grew up with a family full of Oklahoma State University graduates and fans. In my many time visiting this stadium, it was one of the last visits that is the most memorable. Boone Pickens stadium is the location where my high school football team won state. Being a part of this as a player was unforgettable. The inside of the stadium is extremely modern with gold colored tiles that mark the school’s logo throughout all of the floors. Running out on to the field, the stadium seemed to grow in size. I felt tiny compared to everything around me. The exposed brick and the engraved gates leading into the stadium will always stick out in my mind. While the stadium is not a full circle, I have always admired the fact that the football stadium directly connects to the basketball facility. While I would’ve liked to play at the larger stadium in Norman, Oklahoma with all of it’s history, It was amazing to be at such a modern and detailed facility. The abundance of the windows on the exterior facility are also an interesting concept. It provides great views as soon as you exit your seat from any point of the stadium. The craftsmanship and thoughtfulness do not go unnoticed. I will forever hold the memories that were made in Boone Pickens stadium.

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