Ford’s Theater, Washington, D.C.

Ford’s Theater: 511 10th St NW Washington, D.C.

While this piece of architectural history is famous for a horrific event occurred, it still has a sense of awe inside. When I first entered in Ford’s theater, I could only think of its past and what had happened there, but after seeing the stage area, I was taken to other thoughts of beauty. The width of the seating is not all that wide, but as you can see in the image, it is three stories tall. Gold trim and ornamentation pop out from the white backdrops. The ceiling of the theater is probably my favorite portion of this building as its design promotes symmetry and focus in the details. It is strange how I felt the gloom of history but was awakened when seeing the inside. It is easy to see how a president would choose to use this theater as it evokes royalty inside. The crew that maintains Ford’s Theater have done an incredible job as they have tried to keep the theater as original as possible while making it look as it did in it’s prime. This building really gives a feel of what it would be like to watch a performance in this pivotal time of our nation. It is sad that such a beautiful piece of architecture has to have a disastrous past that puts the physical building in a bad light with the world.

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