Jose maria gil adobe

It is somewhat of a tragic story, but my grandmother died when I was very young. Her mother, my great grandmother, also died fairly young. My mother was able spend a lot of time with her grandmother before she died and she told her stories about growing up in Jolon, California on a cattle ranch. The historical marker calls it the Jose Maria Gil Adobe.

There was 260 acres of prisitine farm land in the Santa Lucia Mountains. He was born in Madrid Spain December 14, 1821. His father was from Scotland and went to Spain to be married. Hi parents ended up moving to America and Settling in Herongariquero, Mexico. At the age of 21 he moved to California to find gold. He was fairly successful and was able to settle at this adobe.

He had such a large family. There were 16 children. Some were still living when I was alive up until his last child, my great aunt, passed away in her 90’s. I was able to have some connections to my ancestors and visit the adobe with my great aunt.

I have a few pictures of the adobe which isn’t spectacular. It has undergone some preservation efforts over the years to prevent deterioration, but nothing is really restored. It is is located on the Hunter Liggett Military Reserve which is goverment land. You need special permission to visit so I have only visited once.

My great great grandmother was a native California indian. I think that makes me 1/32 which isn’t much. Their tribe was put in the missions and eventually disappeared. There are some people trying to revitalize the tribe and have ceremonies which is interesting. I have included a few photos of the adobe and my ancestors.

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