Temple of the Emerald BUddha – Thailand

In December 2017, I went to Thailand to reunite with my family after over 42 years. I was born in Bangkok, Thailand and left when I was 2 years old. I reunited with my mother about 15 years ago but didn’t get to see her until 4 years ago. This trip alone was very sentimental to me because of the reunion. I visited the Royal Palace in Bangkok on my last day. I visited many temples during my visit in Thailand and they were all beautiful and full of details. It s sacred ground so you have to take off your shoes before entering them. This building stood out to me because of the details and the beautiful jade Buddha (Jade is one of my favorite stone). It is the most important Buddhist temple and located in the historic center of Bangkok in the Royal Palace. The Buddha was carved out of a single block of jade. When you go inside of the temple, the tourists were not allowed to go past a certain point. Only Thai residents were allowed to get close, touch it and praise it. It was dark but yet you could see everything because of the shimmers of the gold and the jade Buddha was lit up. I don’t go to church but I do believe in a higher authority. I started learning about Buddhism about 10 years and my visit to Thailand confirmed my interest.

Sharon Hannah

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