Nanoco Head office

London McKee

Vo Trong Nghia Architects

This office space is also located in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. This building as you can see has its trade mark greenery from the VTN Architects team. It is a ten story building with tons of showrooms and community rooms. It is currently under construction and is almost completely finished. When I first saw this building it immediately grabbed my attention. If I were downtown here I would naturally gravitate towards this building because it literally has trees growing out of it. VTA did it again with another jaw dropping sculpture with their efforts to give back efficiency.

Archaeological Museum of São Miguel de Odrinhas

The Archaeological Museum of São Miguel de Odrinhas was designed by Alberto Castro Nunes, Antonio Maria Barga, and was in collaboration with Leon Krier. This museum is located in the Lisbon district of Portugal. This building has been in existence for over 65 years. Although this is a very small museum I found the designs to be incredibly beautiful. I love all of the many engraved stones that are Incorporated into this design and I love the unique color of this building. 

incheon international airport

By: Blayne Nichols

The Incheon International Airport was designed by Gensler and associates. It is located in Incheon, South Korea. Within the airport, there is a heavy emphasis on nature as plants can be seen everywhere. But the air port is also very modern. A large portion of the roof is made of glass and supported by pillars. The glass roof allows for an abundance of natural light and the pillars are made to resemble trees. The building was designed to allow for passengers to feel calm and refreshing as they immerse themselves in Korean culture.

Kimbell Art Museum

This building done by Louis Kahn is located in Fort Worth, Texas. The open concepts at the ends of the building flows very nicely with the landscape and water features outside of it. The arches on the building are very interesting and make this piece of work even more unique. The overall architecture of this building has a nice kind of flow to it that many cold enjoy.

Jeanne Gang Blog 1

Although this building has not been completed yet, something about it instantly caught my eye. I have never actually seen any of Jeanne Gang’s work because a lot of what she does is in Chicago. This particular building is being constructed it in New York City. This massive building that is going to be 190,000 SF and will be and extension of the Richard Gilder Center for Science, Education, and Innovation at the American Museum of Natural History. Not only is this building absolutely stunning, it also is targeting LEED gold certification. I love how on her website Studio Gang she goes into details of what inspired different pieces and the layout of the building. In the article she says “We uncovered a way to vastly improve visitor circulation and museum functionality, while tapping into the desire for exploration and discovery that is so emblematic of science and also such a big part of being human. Upon entering the space, natural daylight from above and sight lines to various activities inside invite movement through the Central Exhibition Hall on a journey toward deeper understanding. The architectural design grew out of the museum’s mission.”—Jeanne Gang. This extension to the American Museum of Natural History is absolutely incredible in how the building’s caverns, bridges, and arching walls will be formed using an industrial application of concrete that showcases its liquid properties. This technique, primarily used for infrastructure, creates a continuous interior without material seams or joints that becomes structural as it cures.

Bank of Oklahoma (BOK) center

Image result for bok center tulsa

The bank of Oklahoma center located in Tulsa, Oklahoma was designed by Cesar Pelli. I was surprised to find out that such a famous architect designed a structure that I have seen in my hometown much of my life. This stadium seats just under 20,000 people. The price tag for this building was over $190 million dollars and was a part of the Tulsa 2025 plan to develop the city. Cesar Pelli was brought in for his expertise, Pelli included art deco design when designing this stadium. The stadium even looks similar to a tornado and stands out in downtown Tulsa do to being a unique design and an icon for the city moving forward.

Urban Farming Offices

London McKee

Vo Trong Nghia Architects

This building is located in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The idea behind these office spaces are to promote food production and bringing back greenery to the city. Vietnam is highly polluted and VTN Architects are fighting hard to do everything they can to help fight against pollution. When I first saw this building I was like wow these people must love plants. But then I soon realized this is for a purpose, so I did some digging. VTN Architects are all about nature and there main goal is to contribute greens in almost all of there projects. So I feel and know they are a great organization, who is fighting to save the world with safe and beautiful buildings.

Tatiana Bilbao’s $8,000 HOuse

See the source image

Tatiana Bilbao created this project for Chicago Biennial that could help with Mexico’s affordable housing shortage. It is considered a full-scale Sustainable Housing prototype. The houses would cost between $8,000 to $14,000 to be constructed. I like the idea of building these types of buildings. An $8,000 house is so affordable and they are a good size. It is such a great idea. I love the design of the outside of the structure. There weren’t any pictures of the inside, but it looks like a good size for a family.


This house was designed by traditional architect and theorist Leon Krier. This beautiful home is located in Seaside Florida. This is Leon Krier’s first home design of his career. 

When this house was first designed the outside color was white now the color of the home is a beautiful Ochre. This house has now been sold, but will forever be known as the Krier House.

When doing research on this architectural project, I found out that this home even has its own personal trash can. 

Sarkey’s Energy Center, University of oklahoma

See the source image

Sarkey’s Energy Center has stood tall since it was built in 1990. It is home to energy and research as well as the College of Earth and Energy. It seems to be of the younger of building found at the University of Oklahoma, and it just so happens to be where I had a class on my first ever day of college. This is not the most fond place to have a class according to most college students here at the university, but that is solely because of the walking distance between this building and the majority of class buildings. It was definitely a burden trying to get to Sarkey’s and back to my dorm. It has had a positive impact of my life, though. This is where I made my first friend in college. We are still close three years later. We were both lost, as many newcomers find themselves to be, and just so happened to be looking for the same classroom. This signifies the start of me find a community here at the University of Oklahoma that I resonated with the most. Over the years, I have met many people and have made very close friends, and this was just the beginning.