Fears Structural Engineering Laboratory

While this building is no visual spectacle, I have grown very fond of it during the past couple of years. Fears Lab is located just north of the research campus or just east of the Lloyd Noble Center on the University of Oklahoma’s Norman campus. While the inside does not look much better than the outside, I have learned more practical engineering knowledge between those four walls than anywhere else. A constant smell of concrete fills the air due to the constant concrete pouring and testing conducted in the lab. Later this year, the building is actually supposed to be receiving an extension to its existing high bay which will be absolutely incredible as right now it is very crowded. I plan to continue working in research at Fears Lab for the remainder of my college career. The projects I have been apart of at Fears Lab have instilled a love for research in me as research allows you to potentially be the first person to solve or discover something completely new and possibly groundbreaking. In addition to the surplus of practical knowledge I have gained within this building, many of my colleagues that work with me have become some of my closest friends. I think this building is a perfect representation of the saying “don’t judge a book by its cover.”

Grand Fiesta Americana

At this particular Grand Fiesta Americana Resort located in Boca del Rio, Veracruz, Mexico, the most important event of my life took place. On June 29th, 2019, I was married in the presidential suite of this resort. This resort sits right along the coastline, and the beach could be seen as we spoke our vows. Our following reception party took place in one of the large meeting rooms where we had a multitude of tables, a dancefloor, a D.J., and a surplus of food. After the reception party ended, my new wife and I were gifted a free night in the junior suite of the hotel where we spent our wedding night together. I’ll always remember walking into the suite and seeing the surplus of rose petals the hotel staff had littered the floor with. While there was nothing particularly special about this hotel when compared with other fancy resorts, it will always hold a special place in my heart.

Skylon Tower

In Niagara Falls (Canada side) there is a building called the Skyline tower that resembles the Seattle space needle. While this isn’t quite exactly that this is incredibly tall, and provides one of the best views I have ever got to experience in my life. While the base is nothing impressive you get in the elevator and ride it up and it is facing the Niagara Falls and then whenever you get up top you can see the beautiful falls from the restaurant. While this tower helps show off an amazing view itself is an impressive building and I truly find fascinating. As a young kid when I came, I was terribly afraid of heights and I still couldn’t tell you why but that elevator ride helped me get over my fear. I still like the building and if I could relive one of my trips and see something over again, it would be this.

Oklahoma Joes

While it definitely doesn’t look like a whole lot this building has influenced me a lot. When driving in Kansas City any time make sure you try out Oklahoma Joe’s or now as it is called just Joe’s. Like stated earlier in a blog I traveled a lot with my grandparents and while driving through the KC area we were told to go to this great BBQ place and so we did and in doing so we waited for an hour and half to get our food. After we got through the door we looked around and could see the proof on the walls that we were getting good food, there was so many articles stating how many people had come and been blown away by this food. After trying this food from this building I had become obsessed with grilling out and trying to meet the same type of standard of food that many expected of this place. Little did I know that the BBQ from that would lead to so many more days of me trying to duplicate. To this day I can still see it in my mind and thinking how it wasn’t gonna be that good but coming to realize how to not judge the inside and what could come from a building that wasn’t up to my standards.

Biltmore Estate

The Biltmore Estate is one of the most incredible buildings I have ever seen in my life. The estate has a 250 room French Chateau that was designed by George Vanderbilt with construction lasting from 1889 to 1895. The Biltmore Estate is the largest privately owned home in the United States and is setting on a breathtaking property in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. I went here with my family around 10 years ago and had the opportunity to walk all through the property and hear about the history that happened there. The entire property is absolutely astonishing with every little piece of design that was put into it. The estate is on a completely different level from most other pieces of architecture I have seen, and by just looking at a picture of the place you can get the idea of that.

Stay on Biltmore Estate

Air Force Chapel

The United States Air Force Academy chapel on Aug. 30, 2019.

Whenever I was younger and had more time, my grandparents took me on various trips with them and one of them was through Colorado Springs and I was able to see this chapel. While I am not a very religious man, I can remember when I first saw it and how blown away I was. My grandfather was in the Air Force and had talked it up a decent amount, but when I walked up to it I was still shocked and whenever I walked in it didn’t fade away. This building is massive and beautiful and I can still remember the shock I had felt when walking up and to it.

Gaylord Family-Oklahoma Memorial Stadium

While to many people this is just a place of entertainment, since March in 2018 this has also been my workplace. I work in the southwest part of the building and since I have started work here I have been here almost everyday. When I first came through the gates though I was just a fan and I still am, though the feeling of first coming through those doors has changed I will never forget how exactly I felt. When I first walk through those doors I was nervous and excited all at the same time, but as I have worked there for awhile I have come to acknowledge and appreciate how lucky I am to work in a nice building. Obviously such as any work there are days I complain and days I don’t mind, but for all it is worth this place has been a fantastic building that I have built up many memories in with close friends.

Timberview High School

I attended Timberview High School in Mansfield, Texas from 2013-2017. The building itself had a very interesting layout, we always said that it resembled a spider. The building is centered around a giant circle that has four legs coming out of it, hence the spider nickname. My favorite part of the school was that center circle that we called “the commons.” The commons is where everyone would meet up with their friends between classes and after school. My high school experience within this building was mostly good. Its where I made lifelong friends and experienced teachers that shaped me into the person I am today. I am very grateful for this building and all of the people that it brought me to. However, I am even more grateful that I am done with that time of my life!

Will Rogers Memorial Building

The Will Rogers Memorial Building is located in Fort Worth, Texas, just about 30 minutes from my childhood home. I had many encounters with this building throughout my childhood because many of my dance competitions were located here. I know this building like the back of my hand. From the back entrances where I would sneak in and out to get some fresh air, to the crowded dressing rooms tucked under the stage, to the front lobby where I would run to hug my family after every performance. I have many fond memories of dancing on that big stage alongside my best friends and winning awards. I also have some less-fond memories of injuries, messing up on stage, and fatigue. I did a lot of growing up in that building, and it always feels so nostalgic to go back.

Sala São Paulo

Sala São Paulo is a concert hall located in the former Julio Prestes train station, right in the center of São Paulo. The first time I visited this concert hall was back in 2015, on a school field trip. The architectural style of this building is commonly seen in other historical buildings in this region of the city, but when I first encountered this specific one, I was blown away. Its size as well as some of its architectural features (the arcs, columns, and ornaments, for instance) really transmit the historical importance of this building. Inside, not only the building’s architecture is impressive but also what was accomplished as a result of that architecture. That’s because its ceiling is adjustable, allowing the volume of the hall to vary. This ensures that the intensity of any composition has its acoustic concept respected. The experience of watching the Orquestra Sinfônica do Estado de São Paulo in this building is something will always remember.