Physical Science Building

This building greatly impacted my time at OU, and not in a positive way. I had math in this building for two years so this led me to completely dread everything about it. For starters the walk there was the longest of my class schedule and the building itself is one of the ugliest things I’ve seen. The walls on the inside as well as the outside scream depression and I have yet to witness anyone confess their love for this building either. The first math class I had in this building also turned out to be one of my worst grades I’ve ever received in college. This building has left a lasting affect on me even now that I do not have classes in it. I don’t see any positives about it and nor will I ever.

Locust st

This house is where I grew up from middle school to high school.  I was homeschooled from the 6th grand until I graduated high school, so this is house if very special to me because it is where I spent most of my time growing up.  It is very small and over 100 years old it is one of the oldest homes in my town.  There was a big yard next to the house so I would either have friends come over and we play outside, or I would be inside playing video games are doing schoolwork.  This house has taught me many things about life, and I am glad I called it home for so many years.

perot museum of nature and science

[©(c)Roland Halbe; Veroeffentlichung nur gegen Honorar, Urhebervermerk und Beleg / Copyrightpermission required for reproduction, Photocredit: Roland Halbe]

From the time that I was little and lived in dallas, anytime my family and I drove past this building, I was at a loss for words how incredibly creative the architecture of this building was. The way that the escalator is encased in glass sloping upwards always was such a creative way to design a building. Rather than try to hide such a massive piece of machinery, the architect, Thom Mayne decided to make a spectacle of it. Only recently I realized that this was a science and nature museum, so it makes so much sense the way that this building was designed. Seeing the inside of the building with photos online, I felt a great sense of joy and amazement at how intricate this building really is. I hope one day to actually go inside and check out all the spectacles this building has to offer.

Lovejoy highschool

Lovejoy High School was a place that I spent a lot of time at growing up. Going to school here I made life long friends, participated in extra curricular activities and ultimately it was the place that guided me to being accepted at OU. High School is a place in everyone’s life and I was lucky enough to say that my 4 years at Lovejoy had a positive impact on my life and my growth as a person.

Gaylord Memorial Stadium

When I was younger, I was also a huge Adrian Peterson fan.  When I saw him set the freshman rushing record with 1,925 yards during the 2004 season that is when I became a fan of the Oklahoma sooners.  Since I became a fan, I always had wanted to attend a game but never could due to financial reasons.  In fall 2019 when I transferred to OU I finally got my first opportunity to attending and OU football game and it was an experience of a lifetime.  From the screaming fans or the sea of white and crimson it was very enjoyable, and I will continue to try to go to as many football games as possible.

Cotton Bowl

This is the Cotton Bowl Stadium at the State Fair of Texas.  This stadium means a lot to me because as a kid I grew up a huge football fan. Growing up in Texas the Red River Rivalry was always a staple of the fair.  As a kid I always wanted to go game and finally in 2019 I got a chance. When I first arrived at the State Fair of Texas, I was bombarded with the smells and sounds.   I made my way to the Cotton Bowl, walked into the stadium and instantly heard the roar of the crowd. My eyes lit up as I walked down into the sea of crimson and looked across the stadium to the wave of burnt orange.  It was an experience I will never forget.

THe philtower

Philtower - Tulsa, Oklahoma | The Philtower is one of downto… | Flickr

The Phil tower is one of Tulsa several art deco style buildings that the city is know for. Constructed in 1927 and designed by  Edward Buehler Delk the building was meant to be an office for renowned oil tycoon Waite Phillips. This building optimizes the art deco style with its ornately carved masonry work and attention to detail. My Sister was the leasing manager for the building so I was able to explore the entire thing including Waite Philips office that has been preserved as he left it. The building also has access to the original system of tunnels built under Tulsa via the basement. that is just one of the things that makes you feel like you are in a time warp back to the days when Tulsa was the oil capital of the world. My favorite part by far is the main lobby to the building. When you walk through the doors you get a overwhelmed by the shear amount of detail that went it to the masonry that covers the entire celling. The main lobby gives you a sense of class and makes you feel silly walking around in anything but a suit. This was in fact was very important to Waite and shows up all over Tulsa in the buildings he commissioned. one other interesting piece of information is that this building along with one of Waites Ranches was given to the Boy Scouts of America as a life line. The building was kept as a revenue stream and eventually was sold to a private company but has had a lasting effect on the BSA.

Philtower dwntwn Tulsa | Tulsa oklahoma, Tulsa, Art deco

The Broadmoor World Arena

The world arena holds a dear spot in my heart. When I first moved to Colorado it was the first building I ever noticed. As a young child it took my by surprise at its sleek design as well as size. The words “World Arena” had a great impact on my young mind because at the time I thought everyone in the world came to this place. Then as I grew older I knew that was not the case. As my time in Colorado came to an end once again I came in contact with this place. Although this time it was not a Hello, but in fact a goodbye. My Highschool graduation was held here and that marked the last step of my time in Colorado. From there on out I was on to Oklahoma to pursue my degree as a Sooner. I will never forget about the Arena as it was my first and last friend in Colorado.

Couch Tower

MA+ Architecture on Twitter: "Good news! The storm shelters, which double  as student lounges, at OU Walker & Couch Towers are ready for the new  school year. #oklaed…"

Couch tower is the dorm that I lived in my freshman year. I remember the day that I moved into the dorms, in room 921W. There were many nights spent in the study rooms finishing last minute assignments and many nights staying up late playing video games with my roommate in our dorm room. I remember feeling so excited to live there on move in date and I had one of the best years of my life while living there

Lincoln Financial field

This is a picture I took inside Lincoln Financial Field. This is the home of the Philadelphia Eagles. I have been an Eagles fan since I was 8 years old. I got to go to my first Eagles game in December 2018. It was a Monday night football game and I was so excited to be able to be at an actual game. The game was against the formerly named Washington Redskins, now known as the Washington Football Team. Adrian Peterson (an OU legend) was Washington’s starting running back at the time and he broke loose for a 90 yard touchdown in the first quarter. That was pretty cool to see since I’m from Oklahoma and grew up watching Adrian Peterson. The Eagles ended up winning the game and it was such a great experience, one that I will never forget.