The Lincoln Memorial

I took these pictures of the Lincoln Memorial in December of 2018. It was a great experience to visit this memorial in person. The famous Gettysburg address is what is carved into the walls. The memorial itself is giant and an incredible feat of architecture and artistry. My girlfriends and I spent the entire day going around D.C. going to all the museums and memorials. This was our last place to visit in D.C. and we got there just as it had gotten dark, so it was lit up and had an aura to it that I feel wouldn’t have been there during the day. I have heard of the Lincoln memorial all my life and to be able to see it in person was special and is definitely one of my favorite places I’ve ever visited.

cotton bowl stadium

NCAA Schools – Oklahoma Sooners - Collins Flags Blog

Cotton Bowl Stadium is located in Dallas, TX. I went one time before I was a student at OU and I have been every year since I have been at OU. I still remember the first time I walked into the fair and saw the stadium I was amazed at just how awesome it was, in the middle of the entire fair. Then walking into the stadium and seeing the colors of crimson red and burnt orange split right down the middle was one of the coolest things I had ever seen. The two levels even all across with half OU fans and half Texas fans, I can truly say there is nothing like it. I could feel the tradition of the rivalry within the stadium. It is still to this day, my favorite sports stadium in the world.

Kisimul Castle

Located on the Isle of Barra in the Outer Hebrides in Scotland, Kisimul Castle was once home to the MacNeils of Barra. My family visited the castle during a summer trip to Scotland. I was surprised when I was told that we’d be going to see our family’s castle. It had never crossed my mind that my family may have had one at one point, even with how prevalent they are in Scotland.

When we arrived, I was more than a little disappointed to see nothing more than a small stone structure sitting in the water. As it turns out, the location was carefully planned. The castle is only accessible during low tide. During high tide, the water rises too high up to disembark safely. The next day, we toured the inside and found that it looks far nicer on the inside than the outside.
Kisimul Castle Courtyard

Upon passing through the gate, you’re greeted by a small grassy courtyard leading to two small single family homes intended for servants and one large house where the MacNeils once lived. A fourth large building acts as a dining hall. Inside the walls, it feels much larger than it looks from the outside. The courtyard makes it feel cozy and almost seem like a small neighborhood.

Eventually, we discovered that the MacNeils of Barra are from a different clan than us. Regardless, Kisimul Castle was an unexpectedly nice stop on our trip through the Outer Hebrides.

Stacy rd Whataburger

Aside from being a fast food burger joint, Whataburger, the one off of Stacy Rd in Allen, TX to be exact, is a place where I have a lot of memories from my High School experience. I, and many other students would come to this Whataburger after football games and the line would be so long they had to hire security specifically for after home games and the line would normally be out the door. Along with post football game Whataburger trips were post party and Senior year lunch trips. This was a place to hangout with friends, sometimes even if I wasn’t eating. Whataburger as a chain was a gift to the taste buds of society, and this Whataburger as a structure was a gift to my high school experience.

Southern hills country club

Southern Hills Country Club was the first place that I worked at in high school. It is in the top 100 nicest golf clubs in the world and being there in person, I am inclined to believe that claim. I used to be a caddy here and carry golf bags for rich people and I have to say, those were some of the most interesting conversations I have ever had. What really made me love this place was the style of the building. It looked rustic all through the building and the outside. Almost like a victorian style mansion. It was beautiful. The drive up was just as great. The road up to the clubhouse was lined with 100 year old oak trees that created this beautiful canopy in the summer. I loved working there and it gave me inspiration to strive towards living a lifestyle like that one day.

Chase Oaks Church

This building is the church that I went to growing up. Being raised in a Christian home, I spent a lot of time at church and made a lot of friends there. This particular Church building is important to me as when we first started going to the church it was being taught out of a middle school auditorium, and it grew to the point where they could fund a building for the congregation and I was able to see that process take place. I think that one’s church, or building from one’s religion of choice is a place that everyone views in a positive light, and for me this was a place of happiness and an escape from everything that was going on in life at the time.

Beach house combo

My first visit to LA while driving in Malibu I was in awe at the hilarity of these two seemingly contrasting beach houses in california. I honestly did not think that these two actually existed. I had seen them in video games like GTA and thought those were just crazy takes on what california was like, but I was not prepared for how real they looked in person. I like the contrasting all black and colorful side by side because it really shows the two personality styles of the people who own these buildings. I am personally more into the black style beach house and have always loved darker tones, but something about the barbie beach house I have always admired. I guess it’s because of just how wild looking it is and the fact that it actually exists in real life is what amazes me.

Headington hall

Headington Hall was where I lived my freshman year here at OU. This was the first time I lived alone in my life and was able to experience the freedom that college brings. The memories that were made here are ones that I will never forget. Between making friends, studying, and the occasional alcoholic beverage, Headington is a place of positivity in my memories and will be forever. My favorite encounter of this building was a time where I was eating in the Headington food hall and was asked by a random person if they could eat with me. I said yes, we ate and talked for a half hour or so, it wasn’t until after he left that I realized it was Samaje Perine.

The orange Show

The Orange Show is a very peculiar building constructed by Jeff McKissack. I love this building for a couple reasons. Ever since I have lived in houston when I was younger, there is this area in houston that has no zoning laws and anyone can build anything including this monstrosity. I used to love coming here as a kid with my mom and just enjoying the art installations that existed on this street. The Orange Show consists of many zany looking art installations and other Rube Goldberg looking designs that just seem so out of the ordinary. This is where I got my sense of creativity seeing something as crazy as this and wanted to create something just as cool. I always wondered if there was any concerts here before my time, but I guess that is the beautiful mystery of this place.

Empire state building

This is the Empire State Building in New York City and I visited it when I was younger.  This building is huge and if you ever have been to the top the view is astounding.  When you get to the top you can see all New York.  When I went when I was younger, I was so high up that I was scared.  It was my first time being in a building that tall, so I was shaking and holding on to my mother at first.  Eventually I calmed down and could finally take in a enjoy the beautiful views that it offers.  I would definitely go again and would recommend anyone else in going.