MY CURRENT HOME: 804 West Timberdell Rd, Norman, OK.

google maps rendering of bird’s eye view. There are two carports which make the hexagon seem elongated.

This is the home I’ve been renting for the past 2.5 years here in Norman. It’s near the museum and is one of my favorite houses which I’ve lived in. It may not be clear from the photos, but the interior of the house is a perfect hexagon. There is a hexagonal kitchen in the very center with 6 doors leaving it, one on each side (Pictured below). 4 doors go to bedrooms, and 2 go to a living room. There are no hallways in this house, so there is no wasted space. I was told this house was designed in the 60’s by an architecture professor here at OU.


The ceiling of this house is the roof, so there’s no attic, and this is very obvious when it rains. The rain is loud, but the sound is actually quite nice. Living in this house, you can really appreciate the symmetry and angles. Each room feels much more unique than your bog standard square room, and it is very quick to travel from any room to any other. There is a maximum of 2 doorways between any room, and never a hallway. In addition, living in this house with roommates, everything feels fair as each room is identical, and nowhere feels too secluded. Overall, it has been a pleasure to live here, and I will never forget my time in this house.

Renaissance Hotel

This is the Renaissance hotel downtown Oklahoma City. This 14 story building always reminds me of the Oklahoma City thunder and cold weather vibes. Every time the thunder play we will come and stay in this building. The inside has a very nice waterfall right in the middle with marble flooring everywhere. I always stay at the very top so I can get a great view of downtown Oklahoma City . This is a very old building I found out. They renovated and remodeled both the inside and out to make it look like a newer edition. The glass on the sides is what makes it really stand out to me. I enjoy all of it though, its a great place to stay.

my house

602 Jenkins Ave, Norman, OK 73069 | Zillow

This is my house that I have lived in ever since the beginning of my sophomore year. I have one roommate who I have known for years now. I have made many memories inside this house and I still remember the feeling the day we saw it. My friend and I were looking at houses really late into the Summer and we drove past this house with a sign outside saying “For Rent”, so we called and they gave us a tour 30 minutes later and that day, we signed the lease for the house.


This home constructed atop Kehlstein, a mountain in the Alps, was once the property of Adolf Hitler. Nicknamed Eagle’s Nest, the structure has an incredible view over the surrounding lands. The property was rarely used by Hitler since he didn’t trust the elevator used to reach the top of the mountain.

My family visited the location in 2014. While the location and view are supposed to be incredible, my trip was rather fittingly eerie. We entered through the tunnel which was long, damp, and echoed with every step. A polished brass elevator lifted us up to the peak of the mountain where we were met by nothingness. A cloud had rolled over the mountain by the time we reached the top, causing visibility to drop to just a few feet in front of you.

An experience that is meant to be beautiful with a dark history turned out to be entirely ominous. The mountaintop views that typically stretch on for miles were replaced by an endless sea of fog. Standing on the edge of the cliff felt like you were staring off into the River Styx. Given the abundance of beautiful views in the Alps, a trip that would have been unique only for the history became an unforgettable experience.

St. Peterborough Church

The St. Peterborough Church in England was something I never forget. I had visited England on a mission trip over spring break my senior year of high school and as a field trip we went and visited this church. That trip helped me open up my eyes to a different type of beauty. I had never really taken notice of architecture till I went and saw all these different kind of almost ancient buildings. As I walked into this church I could almost feel the presence of God and all of His glory was just shown throughout the church. I will never forget the time I spent walking through its grand hallways or going into the back prayer rooms.


The Mabee center is located inTulsa, Oklahoma and is used for the ORU Golden Eagle sports, High School State tournament, and various other events. Seeing this building brings me nothing but good thoughts and happiness. All four years of high school I attended this building because my team made it to the state tournament all 4 years. The texture of this building reminds me of old style roman building. The inside is really nice, it has cement walls surrounding the play area that is really unique. Although I never actually won the state tournament, visiting this building and being inside brings me a happiness that words can not describe. I look forward to going back to this building very soon.

Cheyenne Mountain Highschool

Highschool was considerably one of the most memorable points in anyones life aside from college. For me, seeing this high school invoked positivity. Highschool for me was a very freeing experience and I tried to make everyday worth it. There has been plenty of people who have complained about how they hated high school and how they never wanted to go back but I am not one of those people. My school got a remodel during my sophomore year that lasted throughout my experience so every year we had to expect something new. I loved the remodel as well as all the people that I stayed friends with throughout the years. Looking back being in high school and seeing this building everyday made my life a better place. I’m thankful for all the experiences and people I met along the way at this place.

The Crowne Plaza

The Crowne Plaza in downtown Dallas Texas is the Mecca for happiness in my life. When I enter the city of Dallas I know its only for one thing, and that’s for OU football to wipe the floor of the Longhorns. The reason why I also love Dallas is for the royal Crowne Plaza hotel. A multitude of memories have been made here and none of them are in the slightest bad. The Crowne Plaza has been a wonderful host to me and my friends year after year and I believe it will continue to do so. When we get the balcony room at this hotel it is filled with over 50 of my closest friends so there isn’t a bad vibe in sight. The Crowne Plaza really gives me pure happiness and it makes me very thankful to be surrounded by the people who I am today.

Headington Hall

Headington Hall was the place of a lot of stress, happiness, and learning for me. I lived here my freshman year as a recruited athlete and I realized during that time, I didn’t want to be the girl who played sports anymore. I decided to stop playing the sport I’ve loved for so long and be just a student for the first time in my life. I met my 2 other amazing roommates here that I am still friends with to this day. Overall, after the whole stress of quitting, I had an amazing time here. Not just because of the fact I had my own bedroom, but I loved being able to spend time with my friends and go on late night adventures with them while we had to beg people to drive us places or just hang out and watch movies with a ton of snacks on the couch. Headington hall was definitely a place where I grew a lot as a college student.

Westminister Abbey

I visited Westminster Abbey when I was 9 years old and fell in love with the detail and intricacies of the building. I went on a trip to London and the one place that has stuck with me to this day is that church. Walking in the grand halls and learning the history behind it was so cool to me and it was amazing to me how a church that is so old is so detailed. I’m not very religious but something about this place felt so nice and grandiose that it made me just want to go back again and look at it from an older perspective. Seeing this building was truly one of the highlights of my childhood.