acme brick park

During my childhood my family would often take me to the park so I could run around with my friends and enjoy the outdoors. The park I remember the most was in my hometown of Clinton, Oklahoma and the name was Acme Brick Park. The park itself served as a key symbol of entertainment during my childhood because it was the place where my imagination would run more wild than myself. I enjoyed playing at this park very much when I was younger and when I pass by the park during my visits home it reminds me of a simple time in my life. The park during my first encounter was a wonderful place filled with all sorts of things to climb, swing from, and run around.

Cinderella Castle (Walt disney World)

The first time I encountered this structure, I was in high school, and it was my first long trip away from home. I was without my family and, I had also gotten on a plane for the first time. Seeing this castle represented my courage of going on the trip in the first place.

Upon first glance at this building, I was surprised at how big it actually looked. Having had high expectations before I went to see Cinderella Castle, I was afraid I’d be let down. I was pleasantly surprised at how “magical” the structure did look.

In 2018 I was able to revisit the castle, this time with my family. I was excited to see their reactions and first impressions of the structure. The second time I went to the castle, I was filled with joy and excitement. This castle came to represent so many fond memories for my family and me.

Pearl harbor Memorial

In 2015 my family and I took our summer vacation to Hawaii. During this trip we decided to go take a tour of the Pearl Harbor Memorial. This memorial although from the outside does not look very special but it is the inside and what is underneath that matters. The back wall has every name that had died in the bombing of Pearl Harbor during WWII. the floor of the Memorial had a big square opening where you can see the ships underneath that had sunk. This Memorial really helped put into perspective how tragic the bombing of Pearl Harbor really was for so many families in America.

Adams center

The Adams center was my home for one year on campus and it served its purpose well. The building struck me with the realization that I was on my own for the fist time, and that I would need to adjust to this experience. I felt that the building on the outside reminded me of a hotel, one that I would be staying at for an extended period of time. Walking through the doors I realized that this was the first step to growing up, and the interior made me feel included. Ultimately the building to me meant a home away from home, and the process of growing as a person took place in Adams for a brief period of time.

Wrigley field

Behind the Scenes Chicago's Wrigley Field | Midwest Living

I have been to several baseball stadiums in my life, but Wrigley is by far my favorite. The rich history of Wrigley Field can be seen everywhere around. The stadium pops up out of nowhere in a Chicago suburb. I went for my birthday last summer with my mom and I still remember the exact feeling of seeing the stadium for the first time. Growing up in a household that were huge Cubs fans, I always heard them talk about the stadium and I always saw it on T.V., but nothing compared to the actual feeling of seeing the field and the ivy along the wall. The stadium’s seats and tunnel beneath the bleachers are old and historical. I cannot wait for the day that I can go back.

OU Union

University of Oklahoma Memorial Union

One of the first buildings I encountered at OU was the Union. This building stood as a symbol of inclusivity and engagement to me at the University of Oklahoma. As soon as I saw the building and went inside I knew that I had made the right decision to attend this university, it was homely. I felt included and knew I belonged at OU. The building itself is a grand symbol of elegance and matches the surrounding architecture at the University of Oklahoma as a building filled with intellect and congregation.

The Warren

For my first blog I want to talk about the Warren theater in Moore, Ok. It was the first extravagant movie theater I had ever seen. It blew away all of its competition with its Magnificently high ceilings that resembled a starlit night and beautiful staircases. The snack bar was lit up with LEDs and it took my breath away. The insides of every theater were beautiful each chair was a candy Apple red in perfect rows. Even when you went to the bathroom, they had a fireplace that was always on that just added a little extra fanciness to the whole experience. They also have an arcade, but it isn’t like any other arcade it’s a super nice upscale arcade. The reason the Warren has significance in my life is because I had my first kiss at the Warren theater so every time I go, I vaguely remember that time in my life and it makes me remember the good old days when I was young and had no clue how easy life was back then. I think it’s pretty crazy how something as simple as a building can bring back memories that happened so long ago. This movie theater will always have a special place in my heart.

Jenk simmons fieldhouse

This is Jenks Simmons field house where all sports are played for el reno high school. This is a new building only 5 years old. The inside has concrete bleachers, unlike most high school gyms. The rows of concrete bleachers all connect to each other and go up 50 rows. Although I hates running those stairs it was the best moments and times of my life in that gym. I played there since I was 14 years old all the way until I was 20. My picture is hung up on the wall in that building because I all stated, it will forever be a special place to me. It is somewhere where I will take my kids and hopefully they will take theirs as well.

Neuschwanstein Castle

One of the most iconic castles in the world, Neuschwanstein is the inspiration for the Disney castle and looks like it’s straight out of a fairy tale. The Romanesque castle was commissioned by King Ludwig II of Bavaria in the 19th century.

By the time I visited Neuschwanstein in 2014, I had already seen many other castles and forts in Germany. The scale dwarfed all the castles I’d visited previously. The grandeur of every room and hallway seemed straight out of a story book. Neuschwanstein perfectly encapsulates every detail, interior and exterior, of a castle in a child’s fairy tale. During my visit, many of the rooms were closed off for various reasons. Still, the castle is so large that it nearly seemed endless.


This is the high school that I attended for all four years. My high school is unique because of the old school look it has. This building is over 40 years old obviously with some renovations done to it. It is a 3 story building and has 2 flights of stairs and 1 elevator. I enjoy this building so much because of all the great memories and people I have met in it. The memories that I have made in this building will forever be with me. I hope they never tear it down because it is so unique and special to a lot of people including me. I will forever have a good feeling when seeing this building and being inside of it, even if I did have to do a ton of homework in it. Haha my kids will go here and so will all my nieces and nephews because all of my family attended here!