The willis tower

While growing up in San Jose, I didn’t see a lot of tall buildings; my hometown’s airport was right by downtown so towers couldn’t exceed a certain height. That’s why when I went to Chicago back in 2013, I was mesmerized by the sheer size of the Willis Tower. To my 13-year-old self, it looked like four separate towers put together and I was truly in awe of how I could see the reflection of the city on the structure. This still didn’t compare to how it looked at night; it looked like a continuation of the night sky with most of the building lights still on. When most people travel to the windy city, they look for quality food, the Bean, or a Cubs game… too many people don’t go to see the wonder that is the tallest skyscraper in America. 

Heinz Field


My favorite stadium is the big ketchup bottle, aka Heinz Field, because of the scenery and the purpose it serves. My favorite NFL team plays here, and there’s no other place I’d rather be to cheer them on. My favorite experience there was watching the Steelers win miraculously against the Ravens a few years back. Seeing how all the fans cheered, waving their towels was a work of art. The word immaculate is common in Pittsburgh, and that’s how I’ll always describe Heinz Field. The stadium also opens up to the river and downtown, which gives a fantastic look at the city.

AT&T Stadium (Cowboys Stadium)

Watching a game at Cowboy’s Stadium was such an awesome experience. Captured in a picture, it looks average size for a professional sports stadium. In person, this stadium is a monstrosity. There is a reason why people from the Dallas area call Cowboy’s Stadium the “death star.” It was great to be able to witness this architecture up close and personal.

Hollydell Ice Arena

Hollydell Ice Arena has always been a special place to me. My first visit there was when I was five years old, and that was the very first time I ever put on ice skates. I don’t personally remember it, but my parents have always told me about how excited they were when I went on the ice. After this first encounter I would be at this rink for the next 15 years. The amount of lifelong friends I have made, and all the memories of ice hockey are linked to this building. I learned how to ice skate here, and learned the game of ice hockey. My first ever job was also at this rink. I was a freshman in high school, and was offered to be an assistant coach for little kids who wanted to learn how to play. Every time I go back home I visit this rink with some friends, and watch our former high school team play a few games.

National Cathedral

Back in 2016, I visited the National Cathedral in Washington D.C. This was such a beautiful building from the inside and out. This was such a positive experience because it was a great showcase to gothic architecture of the modern era. I would love to go visit the National Cathedral again very soon.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

13 October 2012, 20th Anniversary banners hang on the 14th street entrance to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

The Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. is to me an example setting tone through architecture. I went during 7th grade and even then I immediately understood the reverence with which I needed to walk through the building, which I think speaks not only to the tragedy that is holocaust, but also to how the museum presents that story through its layout and exhibits. As a kid who only knew passing information about the holocaust itself, this museum shows you directly the conditions, experiences and faces of the people who went through the event. I distinctly remember being blown away at the various rooms they had set aside to show you the shoes that were taken off the prisoners, as well as the room that had portraits stacked from floor to ceiling. It is a museum I think everyone should take time to see at least once in their life because it humanizes an event which was so unspeakably tragic. All of that being said it was by far my favorite museum in Washington D.C. and I would very much like to go back with older eyes to experience it again.

The Grotto

The Grotto is a Catholic church that I used to go to once a year with my family when I lived in Portland, Oregon. This part of the building was located further up on a mountain where you could either hike or take an elevator to reach the top floor. This part of the building has always been fascinating to me since I was a kid because it would look like something out of the transformers. I would come to this building every time I attended church here and would visit this part of the building because inside the building you can see a spectacular view of the church and the trees and hills surrounding the area.

Southmoore highschool

South Moore high school is a 6A high school in Moore OK. I was never excited about high school when I was in junior high. It just seemed like a really huge leap but I’m so glad that I went to South Moore out of any other high schools. The layout of this building isn’t too fancy it’s got two floors and four hallways and the cafeteria in the middle. The front has a very beautiful entrance and as soon as you walk in you see two sets of stairs going upstairs. I went there for four years and it’s crazy how much of that place I have memorized to this day. I learned so many things about myself and grew up and met my closest friends here. Every time I see it I get this overwhelming feeling of nostalgia. Buildings don’t have to be grand or extravagant to leave an impression on someone.



This is the Bizzell Memorial Library located at the University of Oklahoma. I have spent many hours of my life in this building and it is my favorite of all the buildings on campus. One of the reasons that this place is special to me is because not only have I studied here during my time in college, but my mom and my grandpa both attended the University of Oklahoma and studied here as well. I think that the Bizzell Memorial Library’s beauty is breathtaking and timeless, not only the exterior but also the interior. The architecture in the Peggy V. Helmerich Great Reading Room is stunning, so much so that it feels as if it were designed only for the most important of people. This is the only room that I can think of that I always feel intimidated to walk into, no matter how many times I have before, solely because of the impressiveness of its design. 

Washington township high school

High school contains so many memories that it is hard to actually breakdown which are the most valuable. Dozens of lessons that involve your friends, academics, and just figuring out what you want to do in your life. When I think of this school I remember all the good times I had with my friends. Specifically my senior year as we were all getting ready to go to college, and couldn’t wait to get away from our hometown. It’s very true that you don’t realize how special high school was until you are out of it. Getting to see your friends everyday, and the work load doesn’t even compare to college. This school helped shape my life into who I am today. If I had to narrow down my favorite experiences it would include prom, Friday night football games, and lastly our senior trip. It’s bittersweet to think about because you don’t necessarily want to go back, and you also want to relive some of your favorite moments just one more time.