Bank of America PLAZA

This building carries a lot of significance in my high school life. This building is the Bank of America Plaza in Downtown Dallas. As a high schooler I developed a passion for photography, and even started my own photography business. But, it all started with me and a friend of mine always going to downtown Dallas and trying to get the best picture of this building we could. We mastered every angle and every road to go down to get the perfect picture.

Oklahoma City skydance bridge

This is technically not a “building”, but it is a great example of how architecture can be used as art as well. This “hybrid architecture” structure was placed near downtown as a monument to the states bird, the scissor-tailed flycatcher. I have been to this bridge many times with family and friends, and every time it is a new experience. First of all, standing on that bridge and just watching the cars go by is cool alone. I could probably just sit up there on one of the benches for hours, listening to the cars and watching the sun set. The closer you get to the structure, the more detail you can see. The first time I experienced this piece of architectural art, I was surprised by the fact that is is made up of a bunch of smaller rectangles of metal connected by bolts and longer thin pieces of metal. Before visiting it for the first time, driving past it on the highway I had never been able to get a good look at it, as I am usually going 65+ miles per hour, so I would only get 5 second glimpse of it before it is too far behind to see in my rear view mirror. I am grateful that this structure was made accessible to the public by a bridge, as it lets us get up close so we are able to appreciate the work that went into designing it. The changing colors of the structure is also very pleasing. I have been in many photos on this bridge, and the different colors sets a different mood for each picture. I think it is really cool that we have something like this to represent the state. Someone from Texas might not understand, as they probably will not make the connection between our state bird and this structure, but as an Oklahoman, I am appreciative of the designers for giving us something interesting to look at on our drive home. I have seen this structure so many times driving to and from Norman from Edmond, but every time I pass it I can’t help but take a moment to just look directly at it and admire it, and remember all the fun memories I have made on that bridge.

Space Needle

The Space Needle in Seattle is a neat building that provides excellent scenery. Riding up the elevator feels like a roller coaster, and then once your up, it’s like being in a space ship. The view the top provides is incredible. The city, the bay, and the mountains are all visible from the top, making you see everything the city has to offer. Whenever I think of Seattle, the Space Needle is the first thing that comes to my mind.

Bixby OK. My second home

As you can see from the title this is the second home my family lived in. It was actually in the same neighborhood as the first. Its a older house but bigger so it was good for our growing family. It also had a pool in the backyard. I have a lot of good memories of me and my friends swimming at this house and playing in the yard.

our old house

The amount of memories I have about this place could write a book. I lived here for about 17 years, until my dad had to move to Dallas, Texas for work. I was just entering my senior year of high school when my parents told me we had to move, and it didn’t seem real. It still feels weird looking back at old pictures. All the sleepovers, swimming parties, and birthdays seem like they happened 20 years ago. When I go back to visit my grandparents I always have to drive by this house just to look at it. I still find myself looking at the living room windows to see my dogs head pop up. Even my first car, which I no longer have is still pictured in the driveway. Hopefully one day this house is available to rent as an Airbnb just so my friends and I can stay there one more time.

The White House

A view of the North Portico of the White House, Wednesday June 14, 2017 in Washington D.C. (Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian)

Going to the White House was one of the most rewarding experiences of architecture. The history behind this building and the center for all the decision making in our country was an exquisite display to me. This was such a positive sight to me because I really enjoy historical buildings. I would love to visit again very soon.

American Airlines Center

Me being a huge Dallas sports fan I had to include the American Airlines Center. AAC is home to the Dallas Mavericks and Stars. I have a passion for basketball which correlates to my love for the Dallas Mavericks. every time I walk into that arena I’m overwhelmed with joy.

8517 Bixby OK. My First Home

This is my very first home that I can ever remember living in. We moved here when I was 3 and continued to live here until I was 8. This house brings back very good memories for me. A time when things were a lot more simple and a lot more stress free. It was only a 3 bedroom Single Family Home but it seemed huge when I was little.

King’s College Chapel

King’s College Chapel at Cambridge University

The King’s College Chapel is a world renowned location with beautiful Gothic architecture. While Cambridge University has many famous and historic locations, King’s College Chapel stands out as one of the most esteemed locations. The chapel looms over the rest of the college and is considered a centerpiece of the area. Many students and faculty go there each night to pray and the concourse outside is a place for many outdoor activities. When I studied abroad I had the opportunity to visit Cambridge, and the chapel was one of the coolest locations. The area around the chapel is quiet and serene. When I went inside, it was like an entirely different world. One of the most memorable places I have ever been.



This is a cabin located in West Yellowstone, Montana at Yellowstone National Park. My family loves to spend time outdoors and explore nature, so naturally Yellowstone National Park is always one of our favorite places to travel. Some of my favorite memories are from staying in these cabins, from learning how to play poker to listening to my uncle tell spooky stories. I love the architecture of these cabins, especially the large windows and open layout. I didn’t realize it as much when I was younger, but the quality time that I have spent with my family here is something that I will cherish forever. Just looking at pictures of the cabins makes me feel sentimental; I hope to bring my children to Yellowstone National Park one day, too.