The Armory at OU

The armory is really special to me because I was the last freshman class that got to use it before the restored it. it is one of the oldest active armories there are it is over 100 years old. This building has a lot of character and history in it. The armory just went under a year log restoration. They gutted the inside because it is a historic building so they could not change the exterior. The inside now looks very modern and much more open. The bricks and the building style really match well with the rest of campus. I feel very connected to the armory and I am grateful I got to experience it before and after the restoration.

St. Patricks Cathedral NYC

St. Patrick’s is an iconic landmark in New York City. I believe it is gothic style of Architecture. They just recently cleaned and restored it a few years ago so it looks nice and white again. It truly is a massive cathedral and the detail on the outside is insane. When you walk in the inside it is shaped like a cross almost. There is the large center and then two side wings of it. There are stain glass windows and a huge organ on the inside. It really is a beautiful building and I am in aw every time I get to walk by it or in it. Also the front of it is has a large court yard area with steps leading up to it which is very nice as well. I have always had positive experiences every time I have gone here

Fenway Park

I grew up watching the Red Sox so I always wanted to visit here someday. I got to take a tour when i was 17 and that was one of the coolest things I have ever done. Each part of the park has so much history behind it and character to it. The seats on the left field side are almost 100 years old so it is really cool to say that section is how it looked so many years ago. Also the park has its own garden on the top that not many people know about and they use the things they grow in the food they sell during games. I got the chance to go to a Red Sox Yankee game last summer and we sat in the outfield so I got get a really good view of the stadium and it was one of my favorite memories I have had. there is such a cool vibe and the stadium itself is so old but it doesnt seem that way its character has really grown with the times.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

The MET has always been really special to me and my family. We try to take a trip to the MET at least once a year. I also had the chance to come here twice for field trips growing up. The building itself is like a work of art to me and there are so many amazing aspects to it. Besides the iconic front steps and the big center staircase inside, I love the glass room on the right side where the Egyptian room is. Each section of the MET is so unique and it really makes you appreciate the building as a whole.

Chesapeake energy Arena

This is where the Oklahoma City Thunder play basketball. This building is important to me because i’m an avid Thunder fan. Growing up I used to go to every home game and it was such a fun experience. In fact, I remember even going to Thunder games when it was called the Ford Center, which is the same exact building with some renovations. I made so many memories in that arena and saw many of my favorite basketball players of all time. The building is nothing special compared to todays professional sports venues being built all across the country. However, anytime I step into Chesapeake even for a high school graduation, I relive my memories of going to games.


Braums Burger Restaurant

I chose the restaurant Braums because it has had a positive influence on my life. This is a place where I go with friends very often to meet up and talk while eating ice cream. I have grown up with a braums at the end of my street so I knew the braums in Norman would already be one of my favorite places. I enjoy the food and ice cream here and would recommend this place to everyone. The style of this building has a homey feeling to me .

Delta Delta Delta

This building that has influenced me in a positive way is my sorority house on College Avenue called Delta Delta Delta. I lived in this house last year with 100 other girls in my sorority. I did not have very high expectations of me enjoying living here at first because I had never had to use community bathrooms before and I had heard rumors that is can be loud all the time. After the first few weeks of living here I was so glad I got this opportunity to grow closer to all of the girls living in also. The community bathrooms ended up not bothering me at all because I ended up enjoying being able to talk to my friends while getting ready. I was also thankful for the location of Tri Delt because I could walk to any of my classes from there.

Taylor Alexander

Richardson Olmsted Complex

Designed by H.H. Richardson and completed in 1985, the Richardson Olmsted Complex was formally a state asylum for the insane. Nestled on 200 acres, the complex comprised multiple buildings spanning like wings from the central administrative tower. It was faced the south east so as much day light as possible shinned through.

By the 1970 the structure was falling apart and it had become an administrative building. In 1986 it was designated a National Historic Landmark , and after years of vacancy it was repurposed as the Hotel Henry Urban Resort Conference Center. The copper roof flashing on the sloped towers has created this unique patina similar to that of the Statue of Liberty.

AT&T Stadium

As a way to connect with my cousins who live in Dallas, I would attend Dallas Cowboys games with them. Although I had attended OU football games as a child with my dad, I was blown away by the sheer scale of AT&T Stadium when I first saw it in 2015. The stadium literally looked like a massive spaceship, and I remember my cousins and I marveling at the architecture and the massive screen rather than pay attention to the football game. This building is special to me because I have many fond memories of attending Cowboys games, concerts, and even high school graduations with my cousins. As an OU student, I have also gotten to experience our football team win a couple of Big 12 Championships in the building, further cementing AT&T Stadium as my favorite venue in America.

Griffith Observatory

As a child, I would go to Los Angeles to visit my cousins. However, I was unimpressed with the city; the streets were tight, congested with traffic, and very dirty. My negative opinions about Los Angeles soon changed after my first visit to the Griffith Observatory. If you go on a weekday, there are practically zero tourists. The observatory itself is a beautiful building, and I remember asking my cousins how such a clean and pleasing building could be stuck in a dirty metropolis such as Los Angeles. At the top of the observatory, one is rewarded with panoramic views of the entire city of Los Angeles, which is a welcome change from the crowded and congested streets of the city. I associate the observatory with fond memories of me and my cousins running around the front courtyard, something that is not doable in an LA suburb due to the lack of space.