The Kizer Household


  Above is a picture of my parent’s house. My dad is both the architect and the builder, as he designed this house and saw it through to its conception. We started construction on the house when I was only four years old, so I have many memories of working long nights and making many trips to Lowes in order to get supplies. When constructing this house, my dad considered geographic location into his design. The house is made of styrofoam and concrete with steel rebar reinforcements meaning that it can withstand high category tornadoes. My dad loves round arches so as you look at the photos, you can see the multitude of arches in each picture. Down below is a picture of the inside of the house. When I told my dad that I was going to write about our house he insisted I also post a picture of the inside so you can see the high vaulted ceilings with the big archways. I love this house! I have so many fond memories of aiding in its construction to growing up in it after it was finished. I also love how unique it is! I always enjoy talking about the house and giving first-time guests tours whenever they walk in.


MASP (Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand) was designed by the famous architect Lina Bo Bardi and is located in one of the most important avenues in the city of São Paulo, the famous Avenida Paulista. This region is considered one of the city’s main financial centers as well as an important point of culture and entertainment. This building is not only one of the most important cultural institutions in Brazil, but also a very important building for me, personally. Both the interior and exterior of this building are impressive. Inside, it houses the most important and embracing western art collection of Latin America. Outside, underneath the large suspended volume is a place open to everybody, where you can find local artists as well as hold public and/or political meetings.

On Sundays, this avenue is open to pedestrians and there are dozens of cultural and recreational activities going on. And this is where the MASP became so important to me. My friends and I would spend almost all our Sundays hanging out in Paulista and our meeting spot was MASP. Sometimes, when we didn’t feel like doing anything, we would just sit underneath MASP, listening to live music from a local artist, and talking. Due to this reason, MASP became much more than just an amazing museum and architectural piece to me.

Gould hall

Gould Hall will always be a special place to me. Gould Hall was the first building I had ever been inside of at OU. The first time I toured the building I was told that the architects designed the building backwards. Whether that is true or not I have not ever officially heard. I do find the building to be unique in its design. The building is not a hard building to get turned around in. One of the things I find most interesting is that it is used for a learning tool for many of my construction classes. The building has all exposed MEP throughout the building showing, which has been used for learning and explanation in many of my construction classes.

Indiahoma High School Library

I went to a very small high school and, for part of that time, I had an amazing librarian who was also an archery coach, yearbook instructor, and art teacher. She was amazing and my senior year I spent almost all of my day in this building with her. This building looks like it belongs in a small town, but it doesn’t come to mind when people think of libraries. It had almost no windows and it was not large at all. When I first saw it, I didn’t realize it was a library and I was not impressed by the siding chosen. The exterior is not very pretty but I came to love it for all the fun I had in there. I read to children in there, painted my best artwork, designed a yearbook, spent time with my friends, and I got to meet one of the most amazing people I have ever known. I still talk to her, my sister and I shower her with praise when we approach the topic of high school. I am glad I got to spend so many hours every day inside of this ugly but fun building.

Physical Sciences Center

As a freshman, I came to the University of Oklahoma to get a degree in Biochemistry and Chemistry. This major is fine, I enjoyed most of the classes but there was one thing I always hated. It was this building. I had a class in it every single day and I couldn’t think of a worse place to be. The lower floors, and where I had my classes, have no windows. It feels so dreary and slow inside those classrooms and lecture halls. When I first saw it, my friends referred to it as the “Blender” and I thought this name was very apt. Not only does it look like a blender, but it also takes kids in that are happy and spits them out shredded after long classes without an ounce of sunlight. I have had just one class in it since changing majors, and luckily the teacher was energetic enough to keep us engaged in the material. However, if I never have another class in it, I will consider myself blessed.

Spaceship Earth

This is Spaceship Earth. It is an Epcot attraction at Disney World, but it is marvelous on its own. One summer, for the first time ever, both of my half-siblings were staying with my dad, my full sister, and me. My dad wanted to do something special to make sure they enjoyed it, so he took us all to Disney World. We all packed into a camper and drove from Oklahoma to Florida. We spent a few days at Disney World and the first time I saw Spaceship Earth, I was amazed. I had never seen anything like it. I had been to New York and seen skyscrapers, but this way different and, in my opinion, better. We immediately stopped and we all started taking pictures together and of each other. It was one of the best parts of the trip, and though we haven’t been together like that again, I will always remember how happy everyone was. The ride inside was also pretty great.

My High school Home

In 2012 I moved again. This was nothing new to me, as my father was in the military and we moved quite a bit. I spent four years in this house, the entirety of my high school experience, four times longer than anywhere else. When I first saw it, I was unimpressed. It doesn’t look like much, just a long brick building. Once you enter it though, you see much more. There is an addition on the house that you can only see from the back or inside and it makes the house seem so open and large. I loved how many windows it had, there as always light in the living room as both walls were mostly windows. A wall in my bedroom was the same way. That wall had windows taller than me that covered the majority of it. I never look at houses the same, this one became my home, and when I find my next one I want it to have just as many windows. They make the space seem open and happy.

Colégio Alicerce

Colégio Alicerce was the school I attended for most of my life. When I first started studying there, I was only six years old and was very intimidated by the building as it was much larger than my previous school. As time went by, I got more and more used to this building and more attached to it as well as. This is where I spent 11 years of my life and it is where I made some great lifelong friendships. Contrary to what 6-year-old me thought, this school wasn’t big at all and that’s probably what made it so special. The fact that the school was small meant that everybody knew each other really well and made it feel like a big family. Although it has been three years since I have graduated high school, I am still very close to my friends as well as some of my teachers from Alicerce, and every time I’m back in Brazil, this is one of my stops.

Golden Bridge

In the summer of 2019, My family and I visited Vietnam for a month. During that month, we traveled everywhere in Vietnam visiting relatives, exploring the country, and sightseeing. One of the many locations we visited is the Golden Bridge in Da Nang, Vietnam.

This bridge has a breathtaking view of the forest it is situated in. On this bridge, we were able to see the mountains, trees, and other buildings that may have been hidden in plain view if not for this height we reached. The hands holding the bridge is what made this bridge even more gorgeous and aesthetically pleasing to the eyes.

The Louvre

The Louvre Museum in Paris, France has to be one of the most gorgeous architecture feat in the history of museums in the world. In the winter of 2019, I went to the Louvre with my family and the moment I saw this building, I knew I had to go in.

Inside the museum, we went under the pyramid and saw many famous pieces of art such as the Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo, and many more. Everywhere we went in there, there was always something bound to amaze our eyes wether it be the designs of the rooms, hallways, or the art pieces. We spent hours in there observing what the Louvre had to offer.

At night time, we left and the Louvre was even more beautiful to look at. The museum gave off an illuminating light that radiated around the complex that the museum was situated. It was truly a memorable experience that led us through the history of French art and architecture.